
How can IoT simplify adding visibility and intelligence to supply chains?

Did you know that inventory distortion costs businesses around the world a staggering $1.9 trillion every year? That's why smart retailers are investing in cloud-connected IoT solutions that give them greater control and agility over their supply chains. But how do you find or create the best IoT solution for your business without getting lost in the complexity? Join us for this webinar and discover how the Qualcomm® Aware Platform can help you achieve digital transformation for the logistics industry.

Join our webinar to learn:

  • What is inventory distortion and how it affects your bottom line
  • How real-time inventory visibility can help you optimize your operations and reduce costs
  • How the Qualcomm® Aware Platform simplifies IoT deployment and management
  • How to get started with Qualcomm Aware and see immediate results


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