
Enterprise Cellular IoT Demands & Opportunities: A Kaleido Intelligence Survey Report

Enterprise Cellular IoT Demands & Opportunities
Between February and April 2023, 800 enterprises were surveyed by Kaleido Intelligence, to identify the key pain points in the context of cellular IoT connectivity.

The enterprises surveyed
Sectors: Healthcare, Transport & Logistics, Industrial & Manufacturing, Smart Cities, Utilities
Company revenues: -$1m 1.4%, $1-5m 2.8%, $5-10m 9.5%, +$10m 86.4%
IoT maturity: Cellular 57.5%, Non-cellular 53.6%, In planning 16.9%, No current plans 3.9%
Geography: LATAM 9.9%, NAM 28.5%, EUR/C. Asia 22.9%, S. Asia 11.5%, East Asia 14.8%, MEA 9.4%, Sub-Saharan Africa 3.1%

Key survey themes
Complexity: Costs, time-to-market, commercial or regulatory barriers and enterprise understanding
Sophistication: Are service providers meeting the need of a more demanding enterprise customer
Roaming: The challenges of multi-country operations from coverage and cost to performance and support
eSIM: Is eSIM proving to be the game-changer for how cellular connectivity can be provisioned and managed
Private LTE/5G: The ecosystem is complex, how are enterprises choosing an appropriate deployment

A sample of the issues identified

  • The key challenges for ‘first-timer’ organisations looking to cellular tech for IoT connectivity
  • The main components ‘missing’ from the current IoT connectivity ecosystem
  • The top 5 factors that enterprises look for in an IoT connectivity product
  • The most important value-added services expected of an IoT connectivity service provider


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