
Enhancing Predictive Maintenance with IoT-powered Vibration Monitoring

In a nutshell, IoT-enabled vibration monitoring systems can greatly enhance predictive maintenance effectiveness.

Nevertheless, it is equally important to identify a reliable solution that brings this approach's benefits to life. What considerations do you need to make?

A report by the US Department of Energy on “Achieving Operational Efficiency” has revealed that average ROI is up to 10 times higher in predictive versus preventive measures.

Reduction in maintenance costs ranges at 25-30% higher. Elimination of breakdowns is especially impressive at 70-75% higher than preventive strategies.

Key takeaways:

  • The key maintenance philosophies identified
  • How to analyse vibration data of rotating equipment
  • The role of the wireless data core
  • Trend analysis and advanced techniques with vibration sensors
  • The actual ROI of a strong predictive maintenance program

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