
Security As A Service

The security threats associated with the Internet of Things are growing and enterprises are paying more attention than ever to how to mitigate the growing risk. With the threat from security breaches on the rise, are you equipped to preserve and protect your organisation?

Key insights to look out for:

  • Security considerations required to mitigate security risk for IoT deployments
  • Is there a need for something called IoT Security-as-a-Service to mitigate growing and evolving IoT threats?
  • How can enterprises structure and address regulations by taking a 360 degree approach?



Matt Hatton





Matt Hatton
Founding Partner
Transforma Insights

A close-up of a logo

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Simon Trend

Simon Trend
Chief Technology & Services Officer (CTSO)
Wireless Logic

A picture containing text, graphics, font, graphic design

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Simon Trend

David Rogers
Copper Horse & Chair, GSMA Fraud and Security Group

A close-up of a logo

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