Curve of Convenience 2023: The Pursuit of APIs

API security is paramount to securing the valuable assets that digital applications have become in today’s digital economy.

Why API Security matters
For every digital app that exists today, the chances of getting your data stolen have never been higher than it is now. Yet, at least 96% of Asia Pacific consumers are willing to share data only if it is stored on trusted and secure websites. That makes enhancing your API security not only essential but also necessary for providing a frictionless user experience in today’s digital-first economy. Read the full report to learn how businesses can adopt robust security postures while providing the seamless experiences that customers have come to expect.

Security over Convenience
According to the Curve of Convenience study, 53% of consumers in the Asia Pacific are willing to take active steps to protect their data. We look at how the leaders of tomorrow enhance their APIs with the power of next-generation technology. Uncover the tech behind powering secure, safe and seamless experiences

Are You Keeping Up?
A frictionless user experience today is not just about convenience; it’s about the trust you earn from your consumers through security to keep them coming back for more. Learn how organisations today are doing everything in between, from safeguarding customer data to building trust and providing a frictionless user experience in today’s digital-first economy.

See how organisations continue to enhance their API security – and learn why API security is the new norm for many moving forward. Download the full report now.  

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