
Optimizing Oracle workloads on AWS

Are you struggling to run your Oracle workload on AWS? You're not alone. Many organizations face challenges when running their Oracle workloads on AWS, from unexpected costs and licensing issues to poor performance and availability.

Here are some common challenges we can help you address:

  • License Compliance and Costs: We can help you ensure that your Oracle usage is compliant and cost-effective, by right-sizing your platform and optimizing your workloads.
  • Limited Database High-Availability: We can help you achieve high-availability for your mission-critical workloads by leveraging best practices and proven solutions.
  • High Cloud Consumption Costs: We can optimize your AWS infrastructure to reduce your cloud consumption costs.
  • Poor Performance: Our experts can diagnose and solve performance issues in your Oracle-on-AWS environment, by reviewing your database and application code, optimizing your cloud resources, and implementing best practices.

Donwload the whitepaper to find out more.

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