
SOC Modernization and the role of XDR

The research objectives of the study conducted by ESG are to examine the modernization of security operations in terms of people, processes, and technology.

The study aims to determine the current perception and role of XDR (Extended Detection and Response) in security operations modernization efforts. The research also seeks to identify key value points and metrics to support those value points for XDR and SOC (Security Operations Center) modernization. Lastly, the study aims to explore strategies used to automate triage, speed up investigations, and assist organizations in finding unknown threats.

Key findings from the study include the following:

  • XDR is emerging as a critical component of modern security operations, with over 80% of respondents planning to adopt or evaluate XDR in the next 12-24 months.
  • The top benefits of XDR include faster detection and response times, better visibility, and improved threat detection and investigation capabilities.
  • Organizations expect XDR solutions to provide automation for alert triage and incident response, as well as integration with existing security tools and threat intelligence feeds.
  • Effective XDR deployment requires a combination of technology, process, and people investments, including skilled security analysts and threat hunters.
  • Organizations are also investing in advanced analytics, including machine learning and AI, to improve their security operations.

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