
Lyra Health Study: Organizations and Managers Struggling to Navigate Workforce Mental Health Concerns in 2023

Workers across industries are stressed, burnt out, and expecting more from employers to support their mental well-being. Eighty percent of employees say it’s important for prospective employers to offer mental health care benefits, and one in four workers are considering leaving their jobs, with work-related mental health impacts topping the list of reasons for quitting.

In Lyra Health’s third annual State of Workforce Mental Health Report, we surveyed over 2,500 employees and 250 benefits leaders across the U.S. to learn about their top challenges and experiences around mental health at work. Join this webinar with Lyra’s Dr. Joe Grasso, senior director of Workforce Transformation, and Dr. Alethea Varra, vice president of Clinical Care, for the latest findings on the changing workforce mental health landscape and how employers can take action.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How work environment and organizational design are raising the risk of work-related stress and burnout
  • The gap between employers’ and employees’ perceptions of how mental health is being addressed
  • How offering a high-quality mental health benefit and easy access to care lead to better outcomes for both employees and employers
  • Actionable tips and insights from mental health clinicians and people leaders

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