
Build a Better Candidate Experience: The Step-by-Step Guide for Enhancing Your Employer Brand

Employers today can no longer expect to hire high-quality employees with the bare minimum of an employee value proposition (EVP). Candidates are placing heavy emphasis on the candidate and employee experience. They are seeking mission-driven organizations and companies that will invest in them and their priorities for the long-term.

Here are some of the top items that candidates are looking for when searching for a job:

  • An easy, intuitive application process that is mobile optimized
  • A short feedback loop with recruiters and hiring managers
  • Salary transparency, competitive benefits and total compensation packages
  • Timely responses and proactive communication from recruiters throughout the process
  • A remote-first or hybrid work environment
  • Clear expectations for the hiring timeline and visibility into the hiring process
  • A supportive workplace that prioritizes DEI into the company culture

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