
Analyzing the Economic Benefits of the Pure Evergreen Storage Program

For decades, organizations have suffered through a storage lifecycle that requires them to rebuy storage capacity and components, takes time away from productive projects, and causes disruption and downtime. The Pure Evergreen Storage program was designed to change the storage acquisition and technology upgrade processes to simplify expansion and modernization, protect and improve on your investment, and eliminate disruption, all of which save money and time.

ESG validated that the Pure Storage Evergreen program offers agility and flexibility that is similar to public cloud storage, while improving the storage purchasing and upgrade process across its lifecycle. Customers spoke enthusiastically about the real savings they experienced, enjoying the predictable costs, investment protection, avoidance of downtime and data migrations, and improved operational efficiency.

Our economic analysis included validating Pure’s total cost of ownership (TCO) model. Our TCO analysis of Free Every Three demonstrated 57% lower acquisition costs, 33% lower capacity upgrade costs, and $122K savings in avoiding migration and upgrade costs, for a total six-year TCO savings of 45%. Our analysis of Upgrade Flex showed 25% lower acquisition costs, 37% lower capacity upgrade costs, and $122K in avoidance of migration and upgrade costs, for a six-year TCO savings of 37%.

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