
From Courses To Career: Readying Non-Traditional Students For The Workforce

Restructuring Higher Education Through a Career-Readiness Lens

For many institutions, the educational environment has shifted from on campus to online, with a growing population of on-the-go non-traditional students. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), at least 70 percent of undergraduates meet at least one of the following characteristics of non-traditional students:

  • Being independent for financial aid purposes
  • Having one or more dependents Being a single caregiver
  • Not having a traditional high school diploma
  • Delaying postsecondary enrollment
  • Attending school part-time and being employed full-time

The global student population is expanding and changing, and the value of education is not shrinking.  Learners need a way to record and share their achievements with potential employers to draw a clear line between their college education and their desired career path.

That’s where the Instructure Learning Platform comes in. For community colleges, vocational schools, and four-year institutions alike, the Instructure Learning Platform offers open, extensible systems that come together to support the future of education!

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