
How to Grow Recurring Software Revenue for IoT Devices

Intelligent device manufacturers are continuing to transition to software-first business models, targeting higher margins and recurring revenue. Yet the journey is rarely smooth as they struggle with homegrown solutions that don’t meet customer needs and require valuable engineering resources that could be better spent on product enhancements.

Whether you work in Industrial Automation, Medical Tech, Smart Cities, or Test & Measurement, you’ll find lots of value in this hands-on session, so please join Transforma Insights’ Digital Transformation and IoT analyst Jim Morrish, and Revenera’s software monetization expert Scott Niemann as they share practical advice on:

  • The latest trends in servitization and which IoT markets are seeing the greatest growth
  • How to drive recurring revenue by moving from perpetual to subscription licensing, and adopting new consumption models
  • Reducing on-site maintenance and streamlining deployments with containerized delivery
  • Ensuring visibility into customer usage to meet regulatory requirements and drive renewals, even when devices are air gapped/offline

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