
Modernize your Data Protection with SaaS to Secure and Save

Why Savvy CIOs are moving to Data Management as a Service

With hyper-accelerated cloud transformation, the pressure is on to secure data against increasing cyberthreats and optimize shrinking resources. Data Management as-a-Service (DMaaS) has emerged to provide organizations comprehensive data protection while optimizing IT resources and lowering TCO. 

Data management vendors that do not offer SaaS-delivered data management, relying exclusively on traditional on-premises and self-deployed software, are limiting organizations’ speed to transformation, improve security and lower costs. Additionally, MSPs who use software-only solutions are even more vulnerable as the fast pace of change for their customers is putting tremendous strain on their resources. 

This eBook reviews the gaps in these vendors and ways DMaaS solutions help organizations achieve comprehensive data protection. We also look at five areas organizations can benefit in security and savings with DMaaS, including: you'll come to understand:

  • Security and infrastructure resiliency for ransomware readiness 
  • Rising cybersecurity concerns and costs of hiring and skill shortage
  • Reducing spend and infrastructure costs to lower TCO
  • Optimizing SLA for data recovery in a data loss event
  • Scalability and efficiency to accommodate size and growth

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