
A Critical Guide to Closing Your Exposure Management Gaps

As CISOs transform their position in the enterprise from technical managers to business risk leaders, they need better visibility and data about cyber risks in order to credibly advise the business. As digital footprints keep expanding and cybersecurity threats keep snowballing, prioritize action around the biggest risks to the business.

Recognized by leading CISOs and industry analysts alike, exposure management has emerged as a pivotal resource on this front. The data and contextualized insights delivered by exposure management arms CISOs with the information they need to navigate today's complex cybersecurity landscape. Exposure management helps security leaders and their teams prioritize action and investment around the risks that matter most—even as digital footprints keep expanding and cybersecurity threats continue to snowball.

Consider these realities for CISOs:

  • 68% of CISOs say they struggle to prioritize security actions and improvements to security posture that will have the biggest risk reduction
  • Only 8% of security leaders are completely confident in their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats
  • By 2026, organizations that prioritize their security investments based on a continuous exposure management program will be 3x less likely to suffer a breach

Download this guide to get details on why leading CISOs credit exposure management as one of the top tools and practices that will help them drive better prioritization of action, better transparency to the board and CEOS and better accountability from their direct reports.

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