
What 5 Smart City Applications Are on the Rise?

In this deep dive from Berg Insight and Kore, uncover the future of smart city applications including street lighting, parking, mobility services, digital signage and waste management – all verticals showing great growth potential. And uncover why now is the time to invest in interoperable solution vendors to enable these innovations at scale.

This report explores the applications in great detail, covering:

  • Why smart street lighting is popular – It’s about cutting costs. By replacing old light bulbs with new LED lamps, cities can save up to 50% usage and gain 30% more upside if lighting schedules are optimised and remotely controlled.
  • The benefits of smart parking – No more circling. Advanced parking solutions in smart cities can guide drivers to available spaces anywhere and improve parking enforcement, payment and curbside management capabilities.
  • Where the sharing economy is going – Bike and car sharing make mobility in urban areas available to a broader audience while reducing environmental impacts. They replace shorter car trips with more sustainable alternatives; cutting congestion.
  • How digital signage helps the economy – Here smart cities can link retail media opportunities with critical display wayfinding directories, bus and train schedules and city service information for new revenue streams.
  • What’s curbing waste control costs – Connected fill-level sensors and waste management software help smart cities use the real-time data generated by the hardware to better allocate their waste management resources, cutting costs.

Across this detailed piece, learn why cities are turning to smart street lighting, parking, mobility services, digital signage and waste management to cut costs and use their resources more efficiently. These innovations, especially when fully integrated, help address challenges related to energy consumption, environmental degradation and public safety with modern solutions. Learn why adopting these new technologies and linking data streams from all these verticals is the key to simple, coordinated management and analysis.

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