
Why single-use-case Iot solutions are limiting

Early adopters in IoT rushed to market with clever but verticalised solutions with a single-use case. Now, as 100s of thousands of deployments saturate the market, the time to move to a more harmonious IoT ecosystem is today. Kiss the siloed data, lone connectivity and separate device management goodbye. Kaleido Intelligence and Daizy collaborate on this innovative white paper that gives us a glimpse at the future.

This paper covers a range of areas including:

  • The challenges and differing implementations of common IoT standards - Understand the impacts of vendor lock-in, system proliferation, fractured management, ununified transport and data flow, and a lack of application integration.
  • The difference between the ideal and current IoT deployment information flow - Currently, there is little unification across data protocols and connectivity while apps and devices are often completely siloed. This is compared to the ideal state where IoT apps sit atop a layered and connected pyramid where each element is integrated.
  • Where the roadblocks sit - Data overload, the device lifecycle, the pace of IoT development, and evolving security needs mean that IT and OT need to reconcile under a single source of truth.
  • Exploring the application layer and AI - With a unified approach, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) can look at loads of structured and unstructured data for unseen patterns and feed them back for actions; creating new opportunities.
  • How to action multi-connectivity, multi-device systems - Moving to the ideal IoT state is easier with a willing partner, across a gradual deployment, and after ensuring data interoperability.

The side-by-side integrations and basic API queries are dead. Instead, IoT solutions of the future will provide a harmonised approach that understands data and metadata, adds in device lifecycle management and looks after application data handling and standardisation. This will allow you to become management system agnostic and focus instead on reaching your goals. Dive into this detailed whitepaper to explore the viability of multi-connectivity, multi-device systems in your environment today.

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