
Choosing the right IoT technology for your long term, low power deployments - breaking myths of LTE-M/CAT-1/CAT1bis and eRedcap

Dive into the latest webinar discussing LTE-M technology trends, uncovering its pivotal role in the evolving 5G landscape, ensuring your IoT solutions remain future-proof and ready to meet the demands of tomorrow's connected world .

Explore the expansive network coverage offered by LTE-M and also its complementary technologies, including 2G and NTN, ensuring seamless connectivity across diverse environments. Delve into the technical prowess of LTE-M, as the most reliable LPWA cellular technology mainly in challenging conditions. Discover the additional high-value features of LTE-M, such as low power consumption and one SKU device, driving its adoption, market growth, and simplifying development. Unlock a wealth of business opportunities facilitated by LTE-M, propelling innovation, scalability, and competitiveness across various industries.

Don't miss out on these insightful highlights shaping the future of IoT with LTE-M technology.


  • Discover the latest LTE-M market dynamics and its enduring presence within the realm of 5G technology
  • Learn about the extensive network coverage provided by Cellular IoT LTE-M and Complementary Coverage Technologies (2G & NTN)
  • Explore technical reasons for LTE-M to be the most reliable LPWA cellular technology in “poor conditions”
  • Learn about LTE-M additional high value features like: low power, one SKU and more features that influence device development and price
  • Discover new and existing business opportunities propelling your ventures to new heights of innovation and profitability


Hosted by

    Tal AvidorVP System Engineering @ Sony Semiconductor Israel
    Michael BuonassisiDirector, Cellular LPWA Modules @ Semtech
    Matt HattonFounding Partner @ Transforma Insights

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