
A Formulator's Guide to Sleep Supplement Ingredients

Dive into the cutting-edge science behind ergothioneine (EGT), a novel ingredient offering a multitude of benefits for sleep supplement formulation. "A Formulator’s Guide to Sleep Supplement Ingredients" sheds light on EGT’s role in combating sleep challenges, powered by its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • EGT excels in crossing the blood-brain barrier, directly addressing sleep disturbances.
  • Studies reveal EGT can significantly reduce sleep latency and increase REM sleep.
  • Unlike traditional ingredients, EGT is effective without the habit-forming risks.
  • GeneIII delivers EGT with unprecedented 99.99% purity levels.
  • Sustainable production by GeneIII makes EGT a cost-effective and high-quality choice for formulators.

Unlock the secrets to next-gen sleep supplement formulas with our comprehensive guide.

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