
A Four-Level Maturity Model for Finance

Understand your current level of financial maturity and chart a course for where you want to be.

Manufacturing & Distribution companies face more pressure than ever to improve efficiency and reduce costs while still getting superior products to market quickly.

Outdated systems, manual processes, under-trained personnel and a lack of modern decision-support tools lead to avoidable financial losses while keeping the business in reaction mode.

Companies that invest in creating modern finance processes and systems will be better prepared to weather challenges, increase profitability, and make informed, forward-looking decisions that drive growth.

Citrin Cooperman’s proprietary four-level finance maturity model enables businesses to take control of their financial maturity, faster.

Download this guide to:

  • Identify your current level of financial maturity
  • Understand the costs of financial immaturity
  • Develop a roadmap to financial maturity

Capitalize on the opportunities for financially mature businesses

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