
How antennas impact IoT device performance significantly

In this comprehensive white paper, TE Connectivity shares the impact of expanding IoT use set against improper antenna provisioning. As global cellular IoT connections grew 29% year-on-year in 2022 to reach 2.7 billion and more than six billion connections are expected by 2030, the full market size beyond just cellular connections is even larger. Each device needs at least one antenna to make wireless connections. That’s a lot of antennas and most have little to no thought put into their deployment. 


In this piece, you’ll learn:

  • Why antennas matter - No two are created equal. Many aren’t optimised for the devices connected to them and; like snow tyres on a convertible in spring, can hamper performance. 
  • How performance is affected - Stressors on overall antenna performance include ground plane dimensions, distance to nearby metallic components, antenna position, RF feed placement, PCB layout and component selection.
  • How to select for connection type -  Your focus should be on narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT), LTE, emerging 5G, low power wide area (LPWA) technologies like LoRaWAN and Sigfox, Wi-Fi over short distances, low earth orbit (LEO) satellites or non-terrestrial networks (NTN).
  • To consider the environment - Indoor, congested applications require different specifications versus long-distance, outdoor and rural spaces. So, when thinking about the right antenna for your IoT devices, location is a top priority.
  • About antenna specs - From internal board-mounted antennas to moulded 3D ones, you’ll discover the range of options available and where they perform best so you can create the right mix within your infrastructure. 

In BOM for IoT devices, most people overlook the antenna landscape. But, with connection numbers increasing exponentially, you’re wisely looking to TE Connectivity’s expertise in this space to inform your setup. This white paper will help you to assess your antenna options carefully and choose the right range. Access the knowledge of what your devices need to perform at their best from one of the leading experts in this space. 


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