
Enterprise Infrastructure Automation via Ansible Playbooks

The complexity of infrastructure environments can slow down your operations and escalate costs. Automation can help alleviate many pain points.

Is your team struggling with:

- Siloed domain management?
- Repetitive tasks consuming valuable time?
- Lack of centralized audit trails?
- Domain expert bottlenecks?
- Growing complexity in infrastructure management?

Ascender is designed to streamline your infrastructure management. If you use Ansible, Ascender provides you with an integrated approach to overcome the hurdles of managing your infrastructure. With the click of a button, you gain:

  • Centralized Ansible automation for seamless control
  • Turnkey playbooks to accelerate deployment and configuration
  • Role-based access control for enhanced security
  • Comprehensive audit trails for complete visibility
  • Integration with CIQ Mountain for streamlined software delivery

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