
VanillaPlus Vision: Your Tech Trend Radar

The latest Vanilla Plus Magazine is here! Uncover a world of insights with our latest Q1 magazine issue. Each page is brimming with fascinating articles, in-depth analyses and captivating interviews that promise to enlighten and entertain.

Secure the future with SKT and Thales’ partnership exploring quantum-resistant cryptography for 5G. Discover business transformation with insights from Nokia’s report on the crucial role of a strong c-suite and much more.

In this issue:

COVER INTERVIEW - Whale Cloud’s Ben Zhou sets out vision for CSPs as the enablers of societal digital transformation

FTTx CONSTRUCTION - Qiang Yin and Gary Lee detail how CSPs can streamline FTTx build through digitalisation     

PARTNERSHIP NEWS - Telia, Ericsson and Magna collaborate on 5G vehicle safety, SKT and Thales test quantum-resistant cryptography

INDUSTRY NEWS - Kaledio Intelligence details BCE adoption projections, American Tower sells ATC India operations
MWC BARCELONA 2024 PREVIEW - Antony Savvas lifts the lid on this year’s event, sharing keynote speakers, highlights and the important themes as the mobile industry returns to the Fira
DIGITAL EXPERIENCE - Jim Morrish explains the real-world impacts that digital transformation is having on end users
5G PRIVATE NETWORKING REPORT - Fibocom report reveals how 5G private networking is taking a leading position in the 5G IoT race
DIGITALISATION REPORT - Nokia explains why digitalisation demands a strong c-suite to achieve total business transformation in new report

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