
From Project to Product: A Step-By-Step Guide for Organizational Transformation

Fast-track your transition from a project-based approach to a product-operating model

In today’s evolving business landscape, many companies are shifting away from a traditional project-focused approach to software delivery towards a dynamic and competitive product-operating model. This transformation offers a multitude of advantages, including increased agility, faster time-to-market, enhanced value delivery, and closer alignment between business and technology.

Yet, despite substantial investments, only a fraction of organizations have managed to execute this transition effectively, with many suffering a substantial loss of approximately 42% of their anticipated value during the later stages of transformation.

Fortunately, the potential for a successful transition to a product-operating model is well within reach. Challenges encountered along this journey can be transformed into opportunities with the right knowledge, insights, and technical expertise.

Download this guide to learn:

  • The seven essential steps for achieving the highest degree of success in the journey from project to product
  • Proven best practices for technology leaders to empower teams, foster business agility, innovation, and effective resolution of transformation challenges
  • How to select the optimal approach, whether through the development of in-house solutions or establishing strategic collaborations with technology providers like Planview

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