
Unveiling the Future: Inside VanillaPlus Trending Tech's latest issue

Are you ready to explore the latest trends and innovations in the world of global 5G roaming? If so, you will want to check out the new issue of VanillaPlus Trending Tech, the magazine that gives you the inside track to the topics that really matter.

square  EDITOR’S COMMENT - George Malim salutes the efforts behind global 5G roaming enablement

square  ROAMING NEWS - Global 5G IoT roaming connections to grow to 142 million by 2027, first 5G roaming connection in space claimed

square  ROAMING NEWS - VoLTE roaming a priority for 96% of global mobile network operators, five countries drive 40% of inbound roaming

square  INTERVIEW - Syniverse’s John Wick tells George Malim that although the 2G and 3G sunsets have hastened the need for new approaches to roaming, the industry has done its homework, set new standards for settlement and clearing and adopted a signalling protocol that can handle 5G traffic demands

square  CASE STUDY - How to ensure reliable roaming for operators that are retiring their 3G networks

square  ANALYST REPORT - Juniper Research takes us inside the evolution of roaming and voice services in our exclusive report

Stay ahead, stay updated, reach for the opportunity. Read the full magazine today and discover how you can embrace tomorrow.

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