
A Buyer’s Guide to Managed Detection and Response: What is it and why do you need it?

The corporate cyber risk landscape is rapidly evolving. The digital attack surfaces have significantly expanded thanks to pandemic-era investments. Cloud systems, distracted home workers, remote access infrastructure, distributed endpoints, and complex supply chains present large and attractive targets for threat actors. At the same time, the cybercrime underground is professionalizing with its own complex supply chains, malware-as-a-service offerings, and innovations in tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

Against this backdrop, threat prevention, while desirable, is not always possible. That’s why organizations should consider evolving their approach to a more holistic one, based around an MDR - managed detection and response. ESET’s MDR solution combines tools, technologies, and cybersecurity experts to provide organizations with powerful detection and response capabilities.

Learning points:

  • Evolving corporate cyber risk landscape: Recognize the dynamic changes in the corporate cyber risk landscape, with expanded digital attack surfaces due to pandemic-era investments, including cloud systems, remote work infrastructure, and complex supply chains.
  • Professionalization of the cybercrime underground: Understand how threat actors are professionalizing, using complex supply chains, offering malware-as-a-service, and innovating tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).
  • Shifting from threat prevention to MDR: Consider moving from a focus solely on threat prevention to a more holistic approach centered around Managed Detection and Response (MDR).

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