
Navigating tomorrow's connected frontiers with IoT Now

If you’re eager to stay ahead of the curve and immerse yourself in the latest trends and breakthroughs in the IoT sector, take a look at the new IoT Now magazine. Discover how enterprises are fortifying their IoT ecosystems with cutting-edge security measures. Explore the realm of IoT connectivity, where integrated SIM (iSIM) technology takes centre stage. Learn how iSIM simplifies and enhances device connectivity and management, providing a robust foundation for the expansive IoT network.

In the latest issue you’ll find:

  • COVER INTERVIEW Eva Rudin VP of Mobile Connectivity Solutions at THALES tells Robin Duke-Woolley why success at scale in IoT relies on optimised connectivity, security, lifecycle and compliance
  • INTERVIEW Remi de Fouchier, VP of Strategy, Marketing & Innovation for the Mobile Connectivity Solutions Business Line at THALES explains why IoT demands greater simplification, more orchestration and the right level of security for each use case
  • CASE STUDIES Aeroplanes, containers and water meters all rely on Thales Adaptive Connect to ensure IoT connectivity
  • THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO iSIM Our 9-page guide to integrated SIM, authored by Beecham Research’s Robin Duke-Woolley, details what’s special about iSIM
  • INTERVIEW Kigen’s Vincent Korstanje tells Matt Hatton why one Eddie Murphy film is relevant to the IoT world
  • ANALYST REPORT Berg Insight explains why cellular connectivity will enhance the performance of electric vehicle charging
  • IoT SECURITY Pritam Shiravadekar, product manager for value added services at Wireless Logic, reveals how anomaly detection is being applied to provide visibility into IoT solutions and uncover activity that needs investigation
  • TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS Our report explains why increased transport and logistics complexity demands simpler, faster and easier cellular connectivity
  • DIGITAL MANUFACTURING Guy Denis of Bosh, explains how to achieve operational excellence by using digital manufacture

The future is connected, and IoT Now is your guide to navigating its uncharted territories. Don’t miss this chance to stay updated and informed on the IoT world. Read the entire magazine!

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