
XDR/XPR: Extended Prevention & Response

According to Check Point Research, the rate of global weekly cyberattacks is growing at 32% year-over-year, with the annual increase in ransomware exploits coming in at 41%tw1.

To improve detection and response capabilities against the ever-rising threat of attack, security teams seek tools to consolidate data and gain a wider view of everything across the security estate.

Extended detection and response (XDR) aims to address the need. But can it deliver on the promise?

In this paper we will discuss the current threat landscape and why standard XDR may improve visibility, detection, and response, but it stops short of providing the preventive protection organizations need.

We will also introduce Horizon XDR/XPR from Check Point, a comprehensive, prevention-first security operations platform that empowers SOC teams to overcome the most severe protection challenges and boost security with much greater efficiency.

And we will share how four different organizations around the world leveraged Horizon XDR/XPR to make previously unattainable correlations, detecting and preventing the damage of malware, phishing, and other attacks.



1Check Point Research, July 26, 2022

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