
Insurance Operations in a Changing Industry

To say that the insurance industry is changing would vastly understate the impact of so many new developments and market conditions. Insurance carriers today are confronted by unprecedented change, coming all at once and from a wide range of factors. Whether they’re reacting to continued inflation and supply chain issues, post-pandemic workforce dynamics, climate change, new and more aggressive competition, indecision about emerging technologies – or all the above – 
insurers now find themselves at a pivotal inflection point.

To help insurance executives understand new changes in the industry and how insurers can successfully respond, Earnix partnered with the Market Strategy Group, LLC to conduct a comprehensive independent research survey to uncover all these issues and more. This report summarises key findings from the survey to show how other insurers are thinking about and reacting to so much change.

It also highlights real opportunities any insurer can put into practice now, not just to survive this period of upheaval but to truly thrive.

Download the report today!

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