
New Analyst Report: Automation, robotics and network sunsetting

In an era of digital transformation, the transportation and logistics sector faces a multitude of challenges. Connecting not only vehicles but also the loads they carry has become increasingly crucial. 

While various connectivity options exist, cellular connectivity, particularly through 4G and 5G networks, is emerging as the optimal solution for most applications in this industry, given its balance of cost, coverage, security and reliability. 

Berg Insight’s data reveals that the European transport management systems (TMS) market reached around US$1.16 billion in 2022, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.4% to reach $1.89 billion by 2027, showing the industry’s rapid adoption of advanced management systems and the increasing importance of robust cellular connectivity solutions. 

This new analyst report, presented by KORE, tackles:

  • Cellular connectivity in the transportation and logistics sector
  • Early adoption of IoT technologies and the integration of advanced data
  • How technology is transforming specific sub-sectors
  • Key trends in automation and robotics
  • The challenges posed by 2G and 3G network sunsetting

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