
How Swoon reduced Return rate by 31.5% and improved OTIF by 8% using Kleene.ai

Swoon, a renowned British e-commerce brand, had a crucial problem: they couldn't obtain a clear understanding of their logistics and supply chain data, making it challenging to optimize their key performance indicators. Their goals were to decrease product returns, guarantee timely deliveries, and preserve high product quality standards - all critical elements in keeping their customers satisfied. To achieve these goals, they had to identify and launch data initiatives that would add real business value and boost the profitability of their products.

But they were facing more obstacles. Manual tasks and generating reports were taking up an overwhelming amount of time, as much as 160 hours each month. This was a major problem because it meant their team were too focussed on day-to-day tasks rather than value add activities to improve business performance. To sum it up, Swoon needed a solution that could help them handle their data effectively, pinpoint and put into action valuable initiatives, and ultimately increase SKUs profitability.

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